Terms of Use

Imputer is a personal project of Kevin Arvai, whose work is supported with funding from the Open Humans Foundation.
By using this application, you agree to the following terms.


Imputer is currently administered by Kevin Arvai as a personal project. Administrators have access to Imputer operations and private data. If Kevin Arvai chooses to add additional administrators to Imputers's operations, the site will be updated to describe these. Open Humans staff have access to the server which hosts imputer.

Data use and privacy

Using the Open Humans API, Imputer will have access to read your genetic data and Open Humans username. Your genetic data will be used to generate an imputed .vcf file. The .vcf file will be immediately uploaded to Open Humans via the Open Humans API and accessible from the project activity page. When the .vcf upload is complete, ALL of your data is deleted from the Imputer server. With the exception of data management within service providers used by this project (e.g. cloud services for the web server), individual private genetic data will not be shared with third parties. However if original data is publicly shared in Open Humans, this data may be publicly shared by Imputer. Furthermore, other information (e.g. username) associated with the public genetic data in Open Humans may be associated with the public genetic data shared by Imputer.

Imputer analysis may contain errors, and may be discontinued at any time. Genotype imputation provides estimates of a sample's genotypes and these estimates are based on a reference sample dataset (1000 Genomes Project). Imputer is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particicular purpose, and noninfringement.